6 Common Tree Pruning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Many people think that pruning a tree is a simple task but alas, this isn't necessarily true. In fact, there are a number of tree pruning mistakes that people often make due to a lack of knowledge or care. These missteps can be enough to permanently damage a tree—so it's important to be careful not to make them.

You want the best for your garden, of course. So, if you're planning on pruning your trees there are some things you should know. Read on to learn 6 of the most common tree pruning mistakes from a certified tree arborist.

1. Pruning in Inclement Weather

This is one of the most common mistakes made by amateur arborists, but it can have disastrous ramifications. As any tree care arborist will tell you, if you try to prune a tree when it's snowy, windy, or raining, it heightens the chance of injury to yourself and damage to your tree.

Bad weather can make it more difficult to make precise cuts and handle equipment properly. If you need your tree pruned urgently, and the weather isn't cooperating, it's always better to call a tree pruning arborist.

2. Pruning at the Wrong Time of Year

Just as there are poor weather conditions in which to prune trees, there are also certain times of the year when this is not advisable. This is, in part due to the weather that you're likely to get in specific months, however, there are other factors at play.

In the case of types of trees that produce a heavy sap flow, an arborist tree service will likely recommend you only prune it after springtime (when the most sap is produced). Pruning during spring can cause the bark to become stained with sap which can, in turn, attract pests. If you'd like to know the best time for pruning your specific tree, you can consult an expert tree service.

3. Using the Wrong Tree Pruning Tools

When it comes to the tree pruning process, using the correct tools is crucial. Failing to do so can produce a poor end result or, at worst, serious injury to yourself.

If you don't have the proper tools, you shouldn't try to substitute something. If your tools are blunt or old, you shouldn't use them. If you don't have access to proper tools, call your local tree trimming service, they'll be able to help you out.

4. Over-Pruning

Another classic mistake made by those unfamiliar with tree pruning is to be overzealous with the amount you take off. It can be tricky to judge how much to remove, and it often takes the trained eye of a tree trimming arborist to be able to determine this.

If you're concerned about over-pruning, take a little off at a time. You can always take more off, but you cant put any branches back on once they're cut.

5. Making Improper Cuts

Knowing how to cut into a tree takes skill and expertise. This is something a certified arborist tree service will have honed through many years of experience.

Your cuts need to be

  • precise

  • sharp

  • well-placed

If you're struggling with making proper cuts, you can have an arborist care tree service help you.

Tree Pruning Mistakes 101

If you're thinking about pruning your tree, but want to avoid these tree pruning mistakes, then it's best to speak to an arborist care tree service in your area. At Maguire Tree Care, we've got the knowledge and skill to help you with whatever you need. Get in touch today to discuss getting a full arborist consultation and our other tree care services.

Paul Maguire