3 Signs You Need to Hire an Arborist

Dead, dying, or damaged trees aren't just unsightly. They can even be dangerous. The Tree Care Industry Association reported 153 tree-related incidents in 2016, alone.

Of course, this is just the most obvious reason why you'd want to hire an arborist. Keep reading to learn some other common scenarios where you'd want to hire a tree arborist service!

1. You're Moving

Trees are well-known for adding curbside appeal. When you're selling your home, you want every advantage to help your listing stand out. The trees in your front yard could become a liability, though, depending on the types of trees and whether or not they've received regular tree care.  

So the first sign you want to hire an arborist is if you're going to be moving soon. One of the benefits of hiring arborists is they'll be able to spot things you might otherwise miss. They can do some general maintenance while they're at it, which will help your property look its absolute best!

2. Unusual Sounds

If your tree is making some sort of unusual sound, it's important you contact an arborist as quickly as possible. There's your average creaking or groaning, for one thing. That's an obvious sign to contact a tree service, as trimming dead or dying branches is one of the most obvious answers to the question 'What do arborists do?'

This is just the most obvious sonic sign that you need an arborist. Trees that have been damaged during growth, due to things like drought, will end up with tiny bubbles and hairline cracks.

These can result in ultrasonic or nearly inaudible sounds. 

If your tree is making some sort of unusual sound, it's in your interest to contact an arborist immediately. 

3. Changing Leaves

We're not just talking about the Autumn. Your tree's leaves taking on unusual colors is often a sign that there's something wrong. It's easy tell that it's time to contact an arborist. 

Say your tree's leaves are turning yellow around the edges. This is often a sign that your tree isn't getting enough water. Other changes in colors are a sign that your tree is lacking in nutrition.

If the leaves change very suddenly, it's often a sign that something's gone wrong. If it's serious enough, this could be a sign of something very serious. 

If you see the colors going off in your tree in a strange way, especially if it's sudden, it's a good idea to contact an arborist immediately.

Working with trusted tree service and arborist means that you can enjoy your trees without having to worry. You'll also keep them in their best possible health, so you'll be able to enjoy them for as long as possible.

Looking To Hire An Arborist?

Keeping trees healthy is our passion! At Maguire Tree Care, we believe that healthy trees are a service to everybody. It helps your home to look beautiful and reduces utility cost while helping out the environment at the same time. 

If you're ready to hire an arborist to keep your trees healthy and beautiful, contact us today.

Paul Maguire