Process of Tree and Shrub Fertilization

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Are your trees and shrubs not thriving as well as you'd hope? Tree and shrub fertilization can help to boost their health and appearance.

If you're not a tree care arborist, you may not know much about the process. That's what we discuss in this article.

Learn everything you need to know about the best method, and then discover how to find the best arborist tree service for your needs.

Signs You Need Tree and Shrub Fertilization

Let's go over some signs you may need tree and shrub fertilization. Signs your trees and shrubs need extra attention include:

You may be looking at a nutrient deficiency. If that's the case, contact professional tree care services for help and get your soil tested.

A soil test can show you a lot about the health of your soil. It measures pH levels and can help you identify nutrient deficiencies.

Using Deep Root Fertilization

You've probably heard of surface fertilization before, but have you heard of deep root fertilization? Root feeding trees or deep root feeding injects nutrients farther down into the soil, where the roots grow. In fall, this helps roots to grow, and in spring, it keeps your trees and shrubs lush and vibrant.

When you call for tree arborist services, they may use this method as it ensures the roots will take the fertilizer right away. As a result, there's no waste!

A specialty tree service will use the best tree and shrub fertilizer for the job. Deep root fertilization, when performed by an expert tree service company, protects your plants from the elements and insects. This process provides the nutrients vital to your trees and shrubs, such as copper, potassium, zinc, and more.

Another benefit of deep root fertilization is that this method aerates the soil.

The first step toward healthier trees and shrubs is to reach out for an arborist consultation.

How a Certified Arborist Tree Service Helps

There's a lot that a specialty tree care service can provide you. In addition to fertilizing your shrubs and trees, you can rely on them for tree pruning services, local tree trimming, and advice on the best way to keep your plants healthy. You can even ask them for help, such as finding the best landscaping trees for your yard.

You might call on a tree trimming arborist to keep your trees strong and protect your property from dead branches, to ensure your plants are getting the nutrients they need, to feed and protect your shrubs, and more.

A certified tree arborist will look at your trees and shrubs, determine whether they lack critical nutrients, and set up a care plan that involves appropriate fertilization. A certified professional has the knowledge and experience necessary to care for your plants and will always do so safely.

You may also need an arborist report. You may need a report prior to a construction project or prior to tree removal. An arborist care tree service can also provide this.

Get Started With Tree and Shrub Fertilization

Now that you know more about the importance of tree and shrub fertilization, as well as the process behind it, it's time to take the next step.

An advanced tree service company like Maguire Tree Care does it all. So, whether you're looking for someone to fertilize your plants or a tree pruning arborist, we've got you covered.

Let us take a look at your trees and shrubs and help them thrive again! Give us a call or send us a message to get started today.

Paul Maguire