How Often Do You Need Tree Pruning Services?

Did you know that 72 of the 129 reported tree-work injuries were fatal in 2017? And that tree-related work is one of the most dangerous industries in the US? Even professionals do make mistakes, so these stats show how important it is that a company be hired to do all your tree pruning!

There are a few things to remember when it comes to tree pruning services. First, read below how often a tree should be trimmed and pruned!

Why Should Trees Be Trimmed?

There are several reasons for trimming a tree. First, a tree is a growing organism like anything else, and without proper care, it will eventually land up, fall over, and die.

Every single reason why a tree should be pruned comes down to the tree-living a long, healthy, and happier existence. Pruning your branches will allow your tree to meet its full potential. Below are some of the reasons trees should be trimmed at the right time.

  • Removes dead branches

  • Removes branches that are interfering with each other

  • Reduces the risk of disease

  • More light can get to the bottom branches

  • Keeps sprouts at bay

  • Maintains the structural integrity of the tree

  • The tree is interfering with power or telephone lines.

  • It helps maintain the shape of the tree

  • Increase the yield of the tree

  • Extends the life of a tree

How Often Do You Need Tree Pruning Services?

As stated, you can look out for any of these circumstances that will immediately require pruning a tree, for example, if the branches are interfering with a structure. Otherwise, the time at which you prune trees depends on the age, size, and type of the tree.

However, if you are in doubt, you can employ the services of a tree pruning arborist to help you decide which trees should be pruned!

Most trees, in general, will have to be trimmed either every 3 to 5 years or every 2-3 years for younger trees. If you want your fruit trees to bear good quality fruit the next flowering season, then you will most likely have to prune the tree yearly or every other year.

Some species of trees can go for years without pruning; if you are unsure, you can contact a company that specializes in tree trimming services, and they will give you an exact recommended amount of years before you need to prune.

Pruning Tips

If you decide to go it alone and think you can handle it, follow these few tips to get the best-looking pruned tree.

  • Cut at a 45-degree angle

  • Apply a protective coating after cutting

  • Prune away branches that run against other branches

  • Only trim branches that are weak with v-shaped angles.

Prevent A Tree From Falling Down

Too often, people neglect their trees for years and always lands up being too late. Instead, save your trees by pruning them when needed and with the proper techniques. Your garden and nature will thank you for it in the long run!

Are you looking for tree pruning services? Need to speak to an arborist and get a professional opinion? Get in touch with us today, and we will take all your tree-related matters out of your hands for good. 

Paul Maguire