3 Times You'd Need an Arborist Report

Is your California home surrounded by breathtaking trees and shrubbery?

Chances are, you want to keep your landscape looking as green and luscious as the day you moved in.

If you're concerned about the trees on your property don't wait to call the professionals and receive a detailed arborist report.

These reports are also beneficial (and often required) when undertaking major construction projects.

Not sure you need one?

Keep reading for three instances that require an arborist report and what you'll learn from it.

What is an Arborist Report?

Before we discuss why you might need an arborist report, let's quickly cover what's contained in one. 

In short, an arborist report provides information on the health and condition of specific trees. The report also lists potential causes of the problem and offers remedies.

Trees play an important role in nature and in communities as a whole. In preparation for construction, an arborist report lets developers and city foresters know which trees can be safely removed without disturbance.

When Is an Arborist Report Necessary?

Whether you're a developer or a homeowner, an arborist report is often required to make any significant changes to the local landscape.

Here are three situations where tree arborist services and reports may be beneficial. 

1. Obtaining a Tree Removal Permit

In an effort to preserve the nature and landscape of a community, many cities require a permit for tree removal. This includes an arborist report detailing the health of the tree and evidence supporting its removal.

The report also explains any expected damage to the immediate area once the tree or trees are removed.

Arborist reports are required for most city construction projects -- both residential and commercial.

2. Preserve the Local Area 

While removing unhealthy trees is beneficial and may prevent property damage in the future, it may also compromise the integrity of other trees in the area. 

An arborist report provides a detailed treatment and construction plan designed to preserve all trees left on the property. This includes before, during, and after the project is complete. 

The report will prevent workers from intruding on the health and integrity of existing trees in the area. 

3. Determine if Tree Removal is the Answer

Tree removal isn't always the answer. In some cases, tree care services and other measures can help save and revive an unhealthy tree.

An arborist report will determine the cause of the problem and offer possible solutions including fertilization, root damage, and pest control. Tree pruning services and injections can help increase the vigor and promote continued life. 

By eliminating the need for tree removal, you're also reducing the risk of damaging other healthy trees nearby. 

Receive Professional Tree Care Arborist Report 

It's important you receive a legitimate arborist report before starting any construction project.

Depending on your location, tree protection ordinances and by-laws may require a permit and a detailed report before tree removal takes place.

Don't leave these legalities to chance.

The professionals at Maguire Tree Care, Inc. have the experience and knowledge it takes to preserve the life and health of on-site trees and the integrity of your project.

Learn about all of our services here

Paul Maguire